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Prereq question...

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Been lurking here for a few months while I complete prerequisite work and I have a question regarding chemistry labs. I took the labs for general chemistry since they are required near universally, but I am debating organic chemistry lab. I am currently enrolled in orgo and the lab, but working full time as a firefighter/paramedic and three kids and a wife that works near full time hours, I'm running short on time in my day. My initial question is how useful or needed is the organic lab? Secondly, if it's not needed, how will withdrawing from the lab look? I can stay in the lab and make it work, just trying to make family life a little easier right now. Any advice appreciated.

I'm not trying to be "that guy", but when you're in a PA program it's only going to get worse. Call around and see if they require the class. If not, save yourself the time/money and drop the course. Make sure you have a better answer than "I didn't have time" if asked about the drop in an interview.

Thanks for the replies.


Gator- I know it can be worse. I was thinking that the entire time I was originally posting. Probably easier to trudge through the time suck now than have to explain a withdrawal later. Thanks for the perspective.


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