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I don't mean to beat on all of you but I would expect a greater level of computer proficiency among all of you since you do use computers on the job and outside the job so I would guess some technical expertise would rub off on you. Nevertheless, always back-up your files so if you are infected and you do deem it necessary to restore/reformat none of your files will be in jeopardy. Use anti-virus programs like AVAST that have real-time web shields and scan your computers with malwarebyte's antimalware as well. I'm leaving one part of my usual protection out since this site hurts when it doesn't have ad revenue... but the smarter ones among you will know what I'm getting at, and there are even ways to get around it while still generating revenue for this site but now I'm speaking in riddles. Anyways, if you really can't bother with computer infections then use a different operating system like mac's OSX, or different distros of Linux (for those who know their stuff). A lot of malware is created specifically for the Windows OS since most people use it. Despite all this, the person in charge of the site should of course be more careful about the ads placed on the site.

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Same here and I'm using Safari. I enjoy the PA and pre-PA community here, but laptops are expensive if this site keeps infecting my computer.


I hate to be double posting but these kind of statements really irk me. Infections can't physically harm your computer (with an exception to some scenarios) but for the most part, once you reformat the computer its as good as new. If someone is going to throw out their laptop over an infection, feel free to hand it to me rather than throw it out!

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I hate to be double posting but these kind of statements really irk me. Infections can't physically harm your computer (with an exception to some scenarios) but for the most part, once you reformat the computer its as good as new. If someone is going to throw out their laptop over an infection, feel free to hand it to me rather than throw it out!


This is exactly why I use Linux. No mal/spy ware and I have my 7 yr old protege 100 running like an i3


Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk

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This is exactly why I use Linux. No mal/spy ware and I have my 7 yr old protege 100 running like an i3


Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk


Yeah I've used Ubuntu before and it took some getting used to but the compatibility loop holes I had to jump through to get some programs to work (with or without WINE) got tiresome. However, from what I hear, most things run smoothly now. I did actually decide to dual boot at that time but something went awry with my Window's bootmgr so I decided to scrap it altogether.

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I don't mean to beat on all of you but I would expect a greater level of computer proficiency among all of you since you do use computers on the job and outside the job so I would guess some technical expertise would rub off on you.


I'm picturing Jimmy Fallon in his SNL portrayal of "Your Company Computer Guy"...

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