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2021-2022 Application cycle

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Hello everyone! I didn't see a post for this year's cycle so I'm super excited to start it. I"m very nervous about applying. Last year I only applied to about 3 schools because I didn't take the GRE. 

My undergrad GPA is very low so I'm stepping out on faith here, but my science gpa, postbacc gpa, and graduate gpa are all at least 3.0. 

Here are my hours: (I tried to overcompensate to offset the low GPA)

PCE: 8,000+ hrs as a Clinical research coordinator and PT aide

Research: 1,720 hrs

Extracurricular: 1,327 hrs 

Volunteer: 686 hrs (including Guatemala medical mission trip)

Shadowing: 100 hrs (dermatology, oncology, hematology, orthopedics, emergency medicine, internal medicine, thoracic surgery, and otolaryngology)

Leadership: 41 hrs

Teaching: 6 hrs

Good luck to everyone!!!!!!!! 

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On 7/8/2021 at 12:30 PM, ARPA2024 said:

@danii97 I applied and received a confirmation email that they are waiting for my GRE scores to be reported. Ill let you know if I hear but from them.

Thanks! I received an email from them on 7/7 that was a confirmation of the supplemental and now everything else will be reviewed. 

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