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I have a daughter that is strongly considering pursuing a PA career.  I think it's awesome, and we're wanting to make the most "right" decisions now that we can.  I don't have any PA friends, so I thought that a forum like this could help us out.

Our question right now that we're dealing with is...does the particular undergraduate university she chooses to attend for her bachelor's affect the application process into a PA school?  In other words, does the prestige of the undergraduate university matter when applying to PA school? 

Specifically she would like to attend the University of Louisiana Lafayette rather than LSU.  Does it matter?

Thanks, Paul Hebert   phebert1984@yahoo.com

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I attended 2 community colleges and 3 other undergrad universities (none prestigious at all) before getting an online degree in "General Studies." I didn't have any trouble getting in.

Get good grades, good healthcare experience, and know a lot about the profession and I'm sure she will be fine regardless of where she goes for undergrad.


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Exactly what everyone has said.  Three other things to add: good science GPA, good PA shadowing, good interviewing skills.  Don't spend more on undergrad than you have to.  Also, similar considerations apply when choosing a PA school: don't pay more than you have to.  "Prestige" of school doesn't matter to employers, nor does your PANCE (initial PA board) scores.  Just that you passed and have a license.  The impressions you make during clinical rotations do matter - so look at where the school will place you and their PANCE pass rates.

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I agree with the above and would like to add one more comment:

Pick a degree program that can lead to a career she would like in case (a) the PA route doesn't work out for her or (b) she changes her mind once she gets to college. Also to a school large enough to have many possible degree programs.

Kids sometimes change their minds and that can be a good thing.

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