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Medical Board wants proof of PA training directly from the Army

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I have applied for a license in another state...the first time I have been licensed anywhere but Texas since I left the Army in 95. I submitted a very complete application. The person who handles the applications sent me an email stating he need proof of my PA training from the Army and, no, the degree I got from OU (because that is who we were affiliated with), will not suffice.

In 30 years I have never been asked by any board or credentialing authority to get a confirmation form from the Army and I don't even know how to start. It blows my mind this guy wants that and won't accept a college transcript or confirmation from the college. 

I was just curious if any of my former military colleagues had ever run into something like this. I have provided a DD 214 but nope...won't do


Edited by sas5814
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