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Any PAs here do local tenums/traveling?

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Looking to get some input for those who are currently or have done local tenums. Currently have 5 years of ED experience and looking to branch out to do some traveling jobs. I tried doing some local search through the forum and just found some generic postings about groups -- like CompHealth, Weatherby, etc. but no one seems to go much into detail about it -- so I assume either it's a lucrative thing or not many PA's do it. I'm thinking it's more of the later. Could anyone talk about their experiences, rates, etc in regards to being a locums? I currently make $70/hr at my current ED position (w/ great benefits) and it seems like from doing an extensive search that the average rate for locums is $65-70/hr w benefits and $85/hr as 1099 which seem awful to me since some of my nursing friends make almost that amount when traveling. 

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I don’t have any personal insight into this from a PA perspective (I have only traveled as a cardiac sonographer, but plan to get into Locums work as a PA after school and residency.) But there is a PA Facebook page with some seasoned Locum Tenens folks on there. They quoted not taking any locums contract for less than $100 per hour as 1099, and often had contracts in the $110-150/hr range. Some of it may have been because they reached out to facilities needing coverage themselves vs using agencies. Also, they stated UC typically paid less than ER (think 85/hr vs 90/hr plus for ER). Maybe Reach out to them and see what wisdom they may have to offer. 

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At various times I've spoken with Barton, Weatherby and I believe 1 other locums agency.  Like you, I work in the Ohio, KY, Indiana area.  I've not found their hourly pay any better than what I was receiving from my primary W-2 employers.  Weatherby awhile ago had an opening in Indiana where they were offering ~$80/hour but never got back to me on it - even though I was already credentialed in that hospital system.  So, while there are jobs out there, I've not seen them be more attractive that what I could find on my own both FT and PT.

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its a mixed bag. Bigger agencies with a good track record may be the way to go. If you do enough hours they even offer benefits. There are lots and lots of fly by night agencies who will put anyone anywhere just to get a fee. It makes a bad experience for everyone. I had one try to put me in a 90 day gig with a neurosurgeon when I know nothing about the field. Some will just flat lie to you.

Sometimes you are filling in for an absence like a maternity leave. Those tend to be more pleasant. Some are filling a hole where nobody wants to work. Those tend to be less pleasant. there are zillions of prison jobs out there and they are very hard to fill...for a reason.

Most of the agencies have already signed a contract with an employer and know what THEY will get hourly so the agency will cry poor about what they pay you. The less they pay you the more in their pocket. "I'll have to ask the client but I don't think they will pay that much" is a common lie. The rate is already set. The only variable is your pay.

Make sure you get paid enough to make up the difference in what the absence of benefits costs you. 

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I did it for 2 years in UC.  The agencies range from decent to flat out criminal.  In Texas you must have a supervising doc on board BEFORE you start seeing patients.  I've had at least two assignments where they tried to send me with no supervising doc.  The first one, I turned around and left when no doc was there to do the Texas 2 step computer supervision required by the TMB.  Had I of not known this, or pushed it, I would of been seeing patients with no doc and very much illegally.

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