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Summer Courses CC

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Hi guys, I'm in a predicament in which I have to take 3 summer classes Organic Chemistry 1 and 2 as well as Biochemistry (pre-reqs) for graduation purposes. Will it affect me if I take them in a CC? I have to because most 4 years offering the course have time constraints, and I won't be able to take all 3. I need a second opinion thank you.

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Double check with the specific programs you want to apply to. Most programs that I have seen do not prefer 4 year over cc, but there are some that do. Also double check that the specific courses themselves will meet requirements (some schools will specify that it must not be an intro course, must require certain pre-reqs, must include certain topics, etc.). As long as your programs will accept the courses, you are good to go. Many students take accelerated courses and are not hindered by it. If you are able to pull it off and do well in them, taking difficult classes in an accelerated format may help you show that you are ready for the heavy course-load of PA school. 

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