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Help!!! What Should i get my BS in?

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Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Interpretive Dance, Basket Weaving, Business Admin..........


Seriously, the undergrad doesn't make that much of a difference at the majority of programs. Getting a degree that includes the pre-recs is always a good way to go; two birds, one stone. Getting a degree that you can get fairly quick and then finishing pre-recs while you aquire some HCE is a good way to go as well.


Search the site, you will find many answers similar to mine.


Good luck.

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If you like science, go Biology. Hits all prereqs and many extra helpful ones (genetics, biochemistry, etc).


If you really want to avoid extra science courses and have an interest in something like art or writing or computers or whatever, major in that and just make sure you get all electives.


Psychology is also a decent way to go.

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Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Interpretive Dance, Basket Weaving, Business Admin..........


Seriously, the undergrad doesn't make that much of a difference at the majority of programs. Getting a degree that includes the pre-recs is always a good way to go; two birds, one stone. Getting a degree that you can get fairly quick and then finishing pre-recs while you aquire some HCE is a good way to go as well.


Search the site, you will find many answers similar to mine.


Good luck.


I was going to say aerospace engineering but in reality, Will has the right answer in my opinion. The Rocket Science answer was more of a snarky reply. Yes, just get the pre reqs done and done well. If you can take an easier degree path and work in the health sciences part time to gain pt care experience it may serve you better than taking a crushing degree path and get just "ok" grades and have no experience.

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