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LOR - Manager, Charge, or Floor Nurse?

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For one of my LORs, I will be using one of the nurses from my hospital unit. I know many of the nurses quite well, and there are several who would write one for me. However, I am unsure who might have the best perspective. 

My nurse manager: I have met with him several times and he is always very complementary. He has commented before that the staff gives great feedback about my work, but he has never actually worked closely with me and we don't have a personal relationship.

My main charge nurse: She has seen me at work, and we have a good relationship. She's been a nurse on this unit for 20+ years and has already offered to write me a letter. Again, I've never worked on the floor with her because she only runs charge.

One of the floor nurses (some of whom are also charge nurses): I'm closest with these nurses and they see me work directly. There are several I could ask. Most of them have less experience than the previous two individuals, however.

Since we have 5 slots, I could have two of the above write one since I already will have my Biochem prof/adviser, my research internship PI, and a PA. Feedback is appreciated, thanks!

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I was in a similar predicament as you. I couldn't decide between my nurse manager or one of the charge nurses. I ended up having one of my charge nurses write a letter for me because she was the one I saw and worked with all the time at work. I didn't choose my nurse manager because, although we had a good standing with each other, she has never seen me work, so I would suggest the same to you. Choose a nurse that has worked with you and seen you do the work! Hope that helps.

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