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Relevance of Research Science?

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I’ve just recently started considering becoming a PA. I definitely have to research this more in depth, but I have a question.


cGPA 3.8 sGPA 3.9 in Environmental Science with an emphasis in Biology. I have the majority of the academic pre-reqs from my undergrad years, however I never took a biochem or ochem class. For ~7 months I have been working at a research institute where I research stem cells full time (specifically, the stem cells that give rise to the various types of blood cells in our body). The research institute is ran by the children’s hospital. So, the research is (obviously) in a clinical context, but I don’t actually interact with any patients, and I am not in an actual hospital. On top of that, the principle investigator of my lab is a very well known person in immunological research and was a pediatrician for a very long time.


I know that my research experience cannot replace academic prerequisites and I will still have to take biochem and/or ochem, but will PA schools even care about my research experience? Is it relevant for my application besides just having a superb LOR from my principle investigator? Should I start getting PCE ASAP?

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You are correct--you will have to take all those classes.  Research experience is relevant, but not as much applying to PA school as it would be applying to medical school: there are MD/PhD programs, but I have yet to hear of a dual PA/PhD program.  PAs are just not educated to be research leaders.

Yes, you should get some PCE.  Yes, an LOR from your MD PI would be an excellent idea.  You may have a bit to do, but you're in a much better spot starting a PA journey than a lot of us were when we did.

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