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PA school schedule

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Hi there! I was wondering if students from other schools could give some insight on their weekly schedules. A couple of schools have told me their schedules are subject to change - is this the norm? For the school, it's because their professors are working PAs who at times get stuck at work. Thanks!

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Our didactic spring semester is Monday thru Friday 8-5 except Tuesdays which is 8am to 9 pm....but we are told to be prepared to meet any time from 7am to 7pm while we are in the program... you never know when a lecture needs to change times or something comes up and needs to be added in, etc. Fall semester was different, and winter semester also had a different schedule. It's kind of like military... your butt belongs to them for the duration. Whenever they want it. LOL

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As was mentioned earlier, our program states early on that they consider you their property between 8 AM and 5 PM. We have semi-frequent things until 6 PM and an uncommon thing later or on the weekend. All of our faculty are in active practice but we have never had our schedule changed due to work conflicts. I think that would be really annoying if it happened a lot.

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I have a follow up to this scheduling question. How many people have kept or tried to keep their full time jobs while in school?


Winter and spring quarter are both 19 credit quarters. To work full time and carry that load at school...is it really worth it? My school is not flexible on it's hours. Your bottom must be in the chair every day for all the hours of the day with a very rare exception for pre approved reasons. Work is not one of those reasons. Most of my classmates study for 3-5 hours a night, every night. Quick round of math shows that if I sit in class for 7 hours, study for another 4 hours, that's 11 hours down. Work an 8 hour shift, that's 19 hours, leaving 5 hours a day to commute, eat, run errands, bath, decompress, and sleep. Sounds healthy :-/


Our school doesn't expressly forbid working during class but they HIGHLY discourage it.

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Our school also highly discourages working. The only people I knew who were trying to work full time while in school dropped from the program. There are maybe 4-5 students out of our group that work the occasional shift on a weekend. That's about it. I don't know anyone who works during the week.

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I have a follow up to this scheduling question. How many people have kept or tried to keep their full time jobs while in school?

We were required to gain approval from the director of the program in order to maintain a job. The only person I know of that kept working had a pizza delivery job that required only a few hours per week, mostly on weekends. That was only during didactic though. Once clinicals come calling then you don't have a choice. I pulled a few 24 hours shifts while on my Gen Surg rotation not to mention the multiple overnights during my ER rotation. Getting to school late and leaving early from lecture is one thing, doing that on a rotation is a quick way to get kicked off that particular rotation. They won't care if you are tired from your other job, you will be expected to give 100% while you are there. I treated my rotations as actual jobs, I arrived 15 min early and left only when I was told to do so. If you have a job that you have to leave early for, you will be held accountable.

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