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Drug charge/ wanting to apply to PA school

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Over a year ago, I was entered into a diversion program for a disorderly persons offense for a drug charge/non conviction. Since the end I will be allowed to have my record expunged and move on with my future. It was a stupid mistake that has no reflection my character and goals however is now apart of the adversity I must overcome. I'm a former college graduate who has been working endlessly to fulfill all required healthcare prerequisites required to one day become a licensed PA in the future. Furthermore, I have been shadowing, working directly with patients for over 3 years, a deans list student, and eager to begin a career as a PA. I come from a family of heath care professionals and have always wanted to be able to give wonderful health care to people in need. However, I know that certain things can end up in dismantling or delaying peoples career paths. Does anyone know any information that could help in my situation? I  wanted to be upfront about everything because I rather take the appropriate and responsible steps in advancing my dream. 
Speaking to many schools I get mixed reviews. Some welcome my application, some tell me to wait until its expunged as time in this case may be my friend. Im looking for anyone with previous knowledge on this type of issue as I was told its a gray area right now in healthcare. Respectable comments accepted.
Stats: cgpa- 3.16
Science gpa: 3.89 
 experience: 4553 working as PT aid
2 mision trips to peru
former college and pro (italy) basketball player)
20 hours shadowing PA 
30 hours shadowing in ICU with MD

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I suspect it depends on the nature of the charge. A buddy of mine -- in his 50s at the time -- got into PA school with a pot conviction as an undergrad.

Personally, I'd wait until it was expunged and you could legitimately leave it off your application.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Personal experience here: expungement means NOTHING.  Absolutely nothing.  It means you will look deceptive and feel like a POS when you don't disclose your personal past and you get "caught lying."  I was told by a state licensing board that when it comes to teachers and medical professionals, they can see any, and all, expungement records.  Don't even bother going through the process/paying for expungement process - it means nothing because it will ALWAYS be on your records.  Not only that, then you have to deal with the fact that you now appear to be deceiving the board - which means an investigation into "possible fraud in order to obtain a license will commence and to see what legal actions will now be taken against you."  Again - expungement means diddly squat.  This was for a non drug/benign charge from over 10 years ago...However, if you want to do non medical careers, then by all means, get your records expunged.   I would call your state board and explain your situation - see what they say.  

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