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Do lab and lecture have to be taken at the same time?

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Hello everyone, I was just wondering - do you know if lab and lecture components for prereqs have to be taken at the same time?

I need to retake several prereqs in which I did well on the lab component but not in the lecture component. Both were separated components at the university I went to - they were not combined.

I would like to avoid retaking lab if possible since I did well - has anyone done this before?

Or if I were to retake the lecture portions for one semester and retake the lab portions another semester would this be frowned upon? Would PA programs tell me to retake the entire course and do both  both components at the same time? Only reason I wanted to take them separately is because there are quite a few prereqs I still need to retake - I would like to knock out the courses I did not do well on first since those are more credit hours as opposed to a 1 credit hr lab.

Sorry if I offended anyone with this question...I took chem lab last year and received an A+. I retook chemistry lecture this past summer since I received an A in the lab. The CC I retook lecture at does have a lab component, but the Chem Dept did not require me to retake the lab since I'm a postbacc student and they already saw on my transcript I had previously taken lab at my university. But someone on another forum told me PA schools will not count this since I did not take lab and lecture together at the same time and now I'm freaking out...Did I retake the course for nothing?

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I couldn't tell you for sure since I have never been in the same situation and haven't had to ask schools about this. But, my opinion is that if it's listed separately on the transcript with its own grade then I don't see a reason why you would need to retake both courses. 

I think for peace of mind, emailing the schools high on your list would be a good idea. Something simple like, "I am interested in retaking a prerequisite course that has an accompanying lab as a separate course. I earned an A+ in the lab course, so I am only planning to retake the didactic course. Is there any reason why retaking the didactic portion alone would be a poor choice in regards to meeting prerequisite requirements and being a competitive applicant to your PA program?"

Also, I don't find your question to be offensive at all. ?

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I took my orgo chem labs a couple years after the lectures and at a different school.

One school I applied to even said the lab and lecture should be taken at the same time (concurrently) and I still received an interview invite from them. This was FIU.

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