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What are my chances of getting into PA school?

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OP...RE shadowing: I wouldn't bother shadowing unless you are interested in a school that has a shadowing requirement or you just really want to. The point of doing so is to get insight into the profession but it's moot if you interact with PAs on a daily basis and understand the role.

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If you work with PAs on a daily basis and are knowledgable as to what a PAs role is in healthcare, there is no point to shadow. I know I didn't. When it came up in my interview, I explained how I worked with PAs in my role as an RT. As long as you have significant exposure to the PA profession, don't sweat the shadowing.

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If you work with PAs on a daily basis and are knowledgable as to what a PAs role is in healthcare, there is no point to shadow. I know I didn't. When it came up in my interview, I explained how I worked with PAs in my role as an RT. As long as you have significant exposure to the PA profession, don't sweat the shadowing.

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