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Work/School Excuse Note

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I've noticed an increase in request for, and utilization of work/school excuse notes for routine visit stuff. For example, I have a co-worker who recently had a toe nail removed. He asked the PA for a note to take several days off work (from a desk job). I might be old fashioned, but shouldn't these be reserved for things that actually preclude you from work? How do you guy/gals go about determining who gets a work/school excuse note and for how long?


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I "fight" with patients about enough things (narcs, abx, ED abuse, etc.) that if they take the time to come see me, pay the copay, etc. I will almost always give them a note for that day off - but will only give them the next day(s) if it makes sense.  I had someone I gave a shoulder injection to that wanted a week off from work as a grocery store greeter...I gave them a note for the day I saw them and that was it.

It sometimes helps to inform the patient that receiving a work note from me does not stop their boss from firing them.  If they miss too many days, for whatever reason, their boss will fire them eventually.  That often helps.

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"We've made too many compromises already; too many retreats. They invade our space and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far, no further! And *I* will make them pay for what they've done!"


yeah, nope.  Not my job to care about their job; I'm not the job police.  I give them a reasonable (to me) amount of time.  I figure most times, the day of is fairly reasonable. Vaya con dios, on to the next.

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^^ These thoughts. I don't care. You want 2 weeks off for your cold? OK with me. Fight it out with your employer. It's not my job to decide how you feel or whether or not you need days off because I don't know your job. My line in the sand is people who say "I've been out for 3 days and I need a note." Nope....I'll give you a note for today. You could have been at the dog track yesterday.


and always keep your patient satisfaction survey in mind. It is more important than medicine, truth, or just about anything else.

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I work in college health, this sort of thing was becoming  a problem so much that patients were making appointments specifically to request a note without having any actual complaint.  I make it known to staff and patients I don't write excuse notes, but I will if it is appropriate (rare).  Most simply had/ have the sniffles and don't want to go to work or class.  I get it, but I also don't care.  Medical services are a limited resource in this country, with access being what it is lately.  I'm not going to contribute to the problem by promoting visits for bullshit.

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