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Reapply to PA school

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Hi guys, last year 2017, I applied to 4 schools out on a whim. I really wanted to apply to more but I decided to apply so late (September/October). By then, most schools were almost out of seats. My gpa is also not the best however I do have 3K+ HCE, about 70hrs shadowing experience (shadowed 3 PAs), planning on shadowing another, solid recommendation letters but I am working  on my re-doing my essay now.


Do you think I have any chance of getting into PA school? Also what are some schools that mainly focus on experiences/hce? How else can I improve my application? I am super nervous. 


Also, took gen chem in 2012 Fall. Didn't do too well, retook it later, got a better grade. Will schools still count the 2012 grade even though its been over 5 years?


Thanks in advance!

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What is your GPA, if you don’t mind my asking? I think what’s important to remember when applying to any school (not just PA) is that not all schools look at applicants the same way. 


Just becuase you applied last last year and didn’t get a seat doesn’t meant you won’t get in this cycle! You applied fairly late for rolling admissions schools, and yes, many already have seats filled or at least all their interview slots. You applied to 4 programs. That is a solid number, but more can up your chances of an interview. Some people have told me there’s no need to apply to more than 5-6, but I personally disagree. We don’t know EXACTLY how each schools admissions committee picks interview seats. So more schools means more ways schools will look at you, and hopefully, more chances at an interview. I’m not saying apply to every school in CASPA, but even 10 would up your chances!


I recommend calling the programs you applied to. Tell them you applied last cycle and were looking for feedback on your application to improve for next time. I learned a lot from doing this. I also learned of a school that I didn’t want to reapply to based on that phone call. Every school looks differently. Some will rank you, set points on a rubric, some take a hollistic approach, and some have larger filters to weed out applicants based on any factor (GPA, GRE, HCE). 


I think you you have a solid plan to reapply. Have you been working on more HCE hours or working part or full time since you applied? Admissions like to see growth from one cycle to the next. So as long as you did SOMETHING to improve your application, reapply! Don’t give up! You can get accepted. Set up a plan and stick to it. If you don’t have one, a letter from a PA is always nice. Try volunteering to build up some volunteer work if you have none, many programs love volunteer and community service, even if it isn’t directly related to healthcare. For instance, a soup kitchen or animal shelter.


On which schools to apply to, I also recommend emailing or calling specific programs and asking them yourself! Most are very helpful and love answering questions and can tell you what value they put on HCE and if they review applicants holistically versus based on set numerical standards. To answer the question on the chemistry course, the short answer is yes. Both grades will be calculated into your CASPA GPA, but most schools will use your newest grade when calculating your pre requisite GPA. That’s another question you would need to ask specific programs, but from what I’ve seen they use the new grade for your pre req GPA, but the old grade still counts in your cumulative and science GPA along with the new one.


I will be reapplying this cycle myself. I also applied to 4 programs in Septemebr and didn’t get any interviews. I’ve got okay grades but thousands of HCE. Keep your head up. If PA school is what you want, there is a way. You aren’t a bad applicant. Sometimes, it’s just a game of luck. Don’t give up and make your application the best you can and try again. If you need to chat or want my stats, you’re welcome to message me. Best of luck this cycle!!



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