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Chief PA Job Description

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I did it for 2 years with a group of 12 pa's/np's and don't plan on doing it again. I got paid for 110% of my clinical hrs but put more into it than I got out of it. the guy who replaced me gave up after 3 months.

I frequently got off work at 2 am and had to be at dept mtgs at 7 am then work another shift or often a double after the mtg.

I wrote the schedule which pretty much meant I got the worst schedule every month. I was responsible for making sure all the shifts were covered and if folks took vacation/cme/sick/etc time off I was stuck covering all the holes but not allowed to hire additional part time or per diem folks.. for that 2 yr period I was meant to work around 160 hrs/mo. I typically worked 200-220. yes, I was paid for it but it was painful. one of the main issues was that I had responsibility with limited authority to enact change. not a good combination. in my current group I have turned down the lead position(which is unpaid-insane-) twice, most recently last week. I may have an opportunity to be associate medical director of the satelite facility at which I do nights in a few years. if I was granted a degree of authority to change policies with this position I might consider it.

bottom line: don't accept a position of responsibility in which you have no authority to change things that don't work.

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never heard of someone being happy with this position - seems to be all pain and no pay



only PA that I know that was glad to have worked it got promoted out of it in a few months.... and is in hospital admin and research - otherwise it is a horrible position (if you are doing it for ER coverage)




If you are not doing it for ER coverage - just say chief or lead PA for all PA's in a hospital - have seen two different methods - one was basically just a title and they PA really did nothing beyond his own job. Sort of sad because he was a great PA but had zero ability to afford change - but he remains in that position today - I believe he was given 2 hours a week for admin time...... really essentially a joke that allowed the hospitial to say they had a chief PA but in no way was this helpful to the PA's. The other example I only have limited experience with and that is actually having a chain of command with a senior/chief PA - seems like this is where things should go (and I see things going as wer are more pervasive and have a larger cadre of highly experienced PA's in any given field that slowly want to make their way in to administration.)



Totally agree with EMEDPA in that if you take on this roll you have to be compensated and have authority - otherwise (especially in ER) it is just a way for the admin to 'force' the lead PA to cover all the uncovered shifts.....

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