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New to the fourm (Need some help)

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Hello everyone, I'm new to the fourm and I'm glad that I was able to find it because I believe many of the members here can help me with my situation. Too make this short, I am a sophomore at Miami Dade College here in South Florida. I plan on going to the Navy (U.S) before I go to medical school (of course so that they will accept me faster) and would just like to know if my plan as of now is ok? I have not failed any of my science classes. I have gotten 2 C's in my science labs but everything else is a B or higher. My GPA is 3.56 at the moment so I am still trying to increase it as I near my goal. Many people are telling me to go into the officer route ( Get a B.S in some science degree then join the military) but I would rather serve as an enlisted because I do want to serve my country in the sense that I want to be a Corpsman (greenside) and help in any way I can battlefield or not. I have no desire to go blueside but of course that is the choice of my commander so not sure about that end, anyways, I am 20 years old at the moment. I'm 100% sure that I want to join the navy as a corpsman no question and would just like to know a few tips and suggestions from anyone willing to help me out. I just feel a bit confused about how many people here in the forums are having trouble finding PA schools and getting accepted. Many getting Bachelors, or a masters. I thought being a corpsman for 4+ years and having a good gpa was enough but if I need to get more things then I might have to change my plans a little bit. Of course I have more to say but for now I believe this is good. Thanks to anyone that answers. 

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navy corpsman with bs in science-related field with a good gpa should get you into most PA programs. do a bit of shadowing and some community service and you are golden. good luck.

the last class to offer a BS in PA studies starts in 2018. after that all programs will be at the MS level and require a bs/ba to enter.

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All right. I was a Navy HM for 7 years then I got out to go to college. You are quite young and I understand the desire to serve and do your part, and being a corpsman going greenside. Don't think and don't glorify what being in greenside is. I know you said 100% you want to do this. But please here me out. Yes, you will get valuable experience but my advice is, if you can finish your degree, do that first. You don't have to be a corpsman to serve. The best bet is, finish your school strong. Show the admin committee that upward gpa trend. You already have a good gpa for med school. What you need to show is you are committed to healthcare by volunteering, joining organizations, and doing one thing that is unique (does not have to be military). I became a BLS instructor and help start the BLS organization for my university. Things like these will help you get into medical school. Then you can apply for NAVY scholarship for med school or try to get into the Military Med school and serve from there. That is the QUICKEST way into achieving BOTH your dreams, Medicine and Military. 

Numbers wise lets see, You would graduate around 22 years. Assuming you can start boot camp right away (there is a waitlist for corpsmans) and finishing your first enlistment which would be 5 years minimum, you would be 27 years. So, the earliest you will go to med school is 27-28 years which means you would graduate med school 32 years. A lot can happen from now till then. Again, please make sure this is what you really want. 

Trust me, if you take a break and go become a corpsman, you are prolonging what you really want. It actually gets harder from there. However, I am not telling you it is impossible. You can very well do it. But dig deep and really understand what you really want. 

As far as PA school goes, your gpa is good. Like @EMEDPA mentioned, you will need good shadowing to understand what PAs do. Also you will need some paid patient care hours. Killer personal statement and you will get into PA school. 

If you have more questions feel free to ask. Anything about being a corpsman or applying to PA school and all. 


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