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Is it worth it to go to the 4.5 Bachelors to MS PA program?

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Is it worth it to go to 4.5 bachelors to MS PA program. This is of course assuming that I don't get into any 2 Year MS program. Part of the reason this appeals to me is because it will allow me to have a direction in my life per se. Have something to work towards and eventually become a PA. Now I know one of my co workers she has applied to PA programs for 4 years in a row, going on her 5th now and has not gotten accepted yet. If she did this route she would be a working PA already. A couple  of cons with this is that it is basically as long as medical school without the added title. So the program length will be 4.5 years plus tuition and housing costs, but not the title. 


Also the reasonable tuition and school length for PA is thrown out the window. In addition, I feel like I am taking a step back in life having to get another bachelors when I already have one. So basically my bachelors of science is useless and its like undergrad all over again. So if put in this scenario would you choose this program if you did not get accepted to any other schools? Basically choosing a clear path to become a PA or sit out for who knows how many years and hopefully get in. My stats aren't as strong as many applicants who get admitted so will probably have to take some more classes to be stronger. Want to hear your thoughts? 

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if you already have a BS, don't get another one if you can avoid it.

that being said, when I went to PA school I already had a BA in medical anthro and the majority of the programs (50/52) did not offer an MS yet so I got a 2nd bs (but not in 4 years, I would have done one of the 2 ms programs at that point if I had to repeat an entire bs as the only other option).

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You have a direction in life; your job is to live your life while you optimize your chances of acceptance and maybe built up some more financial resources. It doesn't sound like spending time and money for a superfluous degree would be worth it just to get more feedback that you are on track.



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