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FMLA Forms - Proper procedures

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FMLA forms can be frustrating to say the least. One patient's employer was denying his FMLA due to clarification on "probable duration of condition". How does one estimate the probable duration of cancer? This is just one item which sticks out in my mind. Some of the information asked for, employers seem to require definitive answers, when there may not be a definitive answer. Is there a guide I am not familiar with to provide correct information to employers?

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FMLA forms are being used for reasons not intended by the ADA and job protection.


Several local employers where I live require them if you have the flu and miss a few days of work. Not what I envisioned the form to be about.


Trying to estimate the amount of time each month a person with Lupus might have a flare requires a magic eight ball.... If you under estimate -- bad for the employee -- if you make it look bad by over estimating - I wonder how the employer uses that information against the employee -- let's face it -- discrimination and looking into employee personal information exists whether legal or not.


I use "unknown" and "undetermined" for a lot of answers and go on to explain the nuances of the disease process that negate precise predictions.


A patient asked for FMLA for type II DM not on insulin because sometimes she just didn't feel good. I said NO.


Another guy has MS and didn't want forms so his employer wouldn't know he had MS - he never called in more than one day. Tough dude.


Another government invention with a good purpose and meaning now bastardized and used for inappropriate reasons such as flu, colds and intestinal viruses of a few days duration.


Just be honest on the forms and do right by your patient.

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FMLA forms can be frustrating to say the least. One patient's employer was denying his FMLA due to clarification on "probable duration of condition". How does one estimate the probable duration of cancer? This is just one item which sticks out in my mind. Some of the information asked for, employers seem to require definitive answers, when there may not be a definitive answer. Is there a guide I am not familiar with to provide correct information to employers?

I am unaware of a guide. I would be interested in reading one if one exists.


I use my understanding of the condition, patient's work, and patient's needs when determining the duration. For things such as cancer, which I don't treat, I would guess you would estimate the duration of treatment or need to be off work for said treatment, transport, and care. When in doubt, explain your answers in the boxes provided. I always try to explain my reasoning in detail when possible.

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