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LSU Shreveport 2016-2017 cycle

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Hey y'all! I thought I'd make a new forum for everyone applying this cycle to LSUS since I haven't seen a new one yet!


Good luck to everyone!!



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Hey! Have you heard anything yet? I just sent my supplemental on the 2nd!

Nothing other than they have received my complete application, and I will be notified if anything is missing and if I am selected to interview.

I submitted CASPA 7/25 and I was notified LSUS had it on 8/2!



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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I could be wrong, but I want to say they don't look at anything until after the deadline



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They have a rolling admissions from what I've understood. Interview invites usually begin going out around September.



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Has anyone heard of any other interview days besides the 24th yet?

Oct 24th; Nov 7th; Nov 14th; Nov 21th from what I've heard



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Does anyone know how many people they interview and how big the waitlist is?

Last year we were told they interview around 120 I believe? And accept 38. Waitlist is about 20-25 people.



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Sorry y'all. Working a graveyard shift in the ER tonight and I'm just checking this thread!


But from what I've heard. There are 4 dates so far (see above for dates^^)! I received an interview invite on 9/30 for 11/7! From what I've noticed/gathered, things are being done differently this year. So I wouldn't rely too much on how things were done last year with dates and interviews!



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Does anyone know if all of the invitations have been sent out or have they just begun sending them out? Due to flooding issues, I was a little late in sending in my supplemental application (2 1/2 weeks ago). I did receive an email stating they received it and I would hear from them on whether I was or was not selected to interview, but haven't heard back. I am reading that some have received interviews all the way through the last interview date of November before their deadline of October 1st.


Does anyone know if all of the invitations have been sent out or have they just begun sending them out? Due to flooding issues, I was a little late in sending in my supplemental application (2 1/2 weeks ago). I did receive an email stating they received it and I would hear from them on whether I was or was not selected to interview, but haven't heard back. I am reading that some have received interviews all the way through the last interview date of November before their deadline of October 1st.


I honestly do not know when they will be done sending them out! I wish I had an answer for you! I think all you can do is wait and see. Hopefully they will be understanding of your situation!



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Does anyone know if you can change interview dates if you're having schedule conflicts with other school interviews? l



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I don't think it would hurt to email Dr. Bigler and just say there is a scheduling conflict and ask if you could possibly be moved to another interview date. But I would reschedule whoever was 2nd to extend an invite. If you try to reschedule an interview date you have already accepted, it may look bad. I would just email and ask! She has always been extremely helpful!



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I received the email yesterday and have not yet responded to it. But I will definitely email and ask. Thank you so much!



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You are welcome!

I would just email her Monday (maybe Tuesday because Monday is a holiday) and say there is a scheduling conflict and ask if you could have another date!



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I submitted CASPA on June 30th. August 24th I received an interview invite for October 24th!



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Congrats!!!!! Morning or afternoon? I'm also interviewing on the 24th! Afternoon session.

Congrats!!!!! Morning or afternoon? I'm also interviewing on the 24th! Afternoon session.


Congrats to you too! I have the morning session; I didn't think my nerves could wait until the afternoon. I'm getting nervous already. I can't believe it's only 9 days away!


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