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Hello everyone,

I have recently decided to portray a degree in ESS that is designed to get (help) me into PA school. However, before I made this choice, I was pursuing a BS in Computer Science. To make a long story short, I failed my second CS course and my Calc 2 course because of personal and educational issues. These two courses are not required for PA school, but I'm worried if my grade in them will reflect on my acceptance into a PA school. I'm wondering if anyone has experience this? What do I need to do? How can proceed to becoming a PA?

The further you get away from failed classes the less bad they look. I think that anyway. I had some major mess ups in the early part of my college career, but I had a whole lot of really good stuff more recently to make up for it. Just get a 3.6+ the rest of your time and be ready to explain what happened. You can certainly get past a couple bad grades.


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