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Deciding on whether or not to add more schools later on

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Ok I hate these chance posts, but I'm extremely nervous. 


cGPA: 3.62

sGPA: 3.42 

*CASPA just received my latest transcript with 3 pre-req science courses which should boost these up a tiny bit.


GRE: 144Q, 149V, 4.0W (I'm retaking it)


PCE: Around 500 hours (yeah, I know but I'm working on this)

Hospital Volunteer: 304 hours

PA shadowing: 41 hours 


I e-submitted last friday (5-27) and they just got my transcript so I expect to be verified within the next couple of weeks. 


I applied to 10 schools and want to add more because it's much cheaper to add a few more schools now than go through the whole process again next year. 


4 of the 6 schools don't require the GRE, and the ones that require it have the 50% cut-off. I made a point to apply to schools who don't have a minimum PCE hour requirement, but I'm aware that I'll be up against people who have 2,000+ hours. By the time that interviews roll around, I'll have close to 1,000. I can't imagine that a person who has more PCE and lacks in other areas would have a greater chance than I do, but what do I know?


But anyway, given what I just put here, would it be wise to add a few more schools? Or am I being irrational?


(btw, this is my third time applying)

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Someone with more PCE will absolutely have a leg up over you even if they 'lack' in other areas i.e a lower GPA than you.


If you add more schools, make sure they are schools your stats are competitive at.  For someone applying a 3rd time, I would expect thousands more HCE/PCE hours and not still waiting on a GRE retake.  


PA school is a numbers game, but at the same time, someone could apply to every single program out there and still not get in if they aren't competitive enough.  More schools doesn't necessarily guarantee an interview/acceptance.  Apply wisely.

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For a third time applicant, your application leaves a lot to be desired. What exactly have you done to improve your application over the years? How can you explain the minimal amount of HCE you have? You should have at least 6,000 hours by now. There are tons of first time applicants with much better stats than yours,and ad coms will see this. I expect they will see many red flags with your app. Be prepared to explain all of this should you be granted an interview. And yes, someone with more HCE and a lower GPA could absolutely have a leg up on you. Be prepared. Good luck OP.

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The first time I applied, I was a junior I college and had a year and a half worth of pre-reqs to take. No PA shadowing and no PCE. I applied to 4 schools late in the game and got offered an interview at 1. I declined cuz their seats were already full and I wasn't committed.


The second time I applied, a transcript mishap pushed my CASPA verification date all the way back to mid-october. Still no PA shadowing, no PCE, no GRE, and 3 outstanding pre-reqs.


This time, I've shadowed a few PAs and got an LOR from one, finished all of the pre-reqs, took the GRE (but am retaking) and I was focused on the pre-reqs so I didn't start looking for jobs in PCE right away, which isn't really an excuse but it's the truth. Most importantly, I submitted caspa early.


My friend had about 400 PCE hours when she applied. She has pretty much the same stats as me, interviewed at and was offered a seat in all 4 schools she applied to.


So it's not impossible. But since it gets tougher each year, i wonder if I should just apply to a bunch right now rather than wait later on in the summer

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Also, how will my app have many red flags? Can schools see that I'm a reapplicant if this is my first time applying to a specific school?

Well, you would have to apply to schools that you have not applied to before, because if you re-apply anywhere your essay would have to demonstrate what has improved since last time.  Also, many schools have a list of questions on CASPA that are specific to their program before you can submit to them.  Many ask if you've applied to any PA programs in the past--you can't lie, so if they ask that, then you have to say yes.  Otherwise, if you clear both of those issues, I personally am not sure if the program is able to see that you've applied elsewhere in the past.  I know they are not able to see what other schools you apply to, so my guess is no?


If you are applying to some of the same schools again, then they'll obviously know.


I wouldn't necessarily call them "red flags"...maybe more...yellow?  Orange?  Since you've already submitted, you are officially a 3rd time applicant, and the ball is rolling.  I'd put everything you can into this cycle.  Apply to all the schools you can, get the HCE up, etc.  Let us know how it pans out!

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I agree with everyone ^^^ for being a third time applicant, you really should have more PCE.  God forbid you don't get in this year, I definitely think working full time in a PCE role would make you go from a slightly below average applicant to a strong applicant (provided you score better on the GRE, and I am sure you will)


To a lot of programs, PCE could be their most important factor (not all) I've seen a corpsman and medic get accepted with 3.0.  


The good news is you are still very young...so if your limited PCE holds you back this year, you will still be years ahead of so many of us who tried other careers before knowing this is what we wanted, 


I also think you should be choosey about where you apply.  It sounds like you have a good handle on where you can go- since your friend had similar stats.


My advice would be if you choose to apply to more programs this year, research and choose carefully... and if you can't figure out- a place to start is the applicants accepted stats page.... you can read through there to get an idea of some of the programs that accepted people with minimum PCE.


Good luck and let us all know if you get in! 

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