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Advice needed regarding the waitlist

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2015-2016 cycle was my 2nd year applying, and I am currently on 3 waitlists. This last year I have improved my application, and I will have my CASPA ready to submit after the programs I am waitlisted at start.


I am reapplying to the schools I am waitlisted at, but I was wondering if it would be a bad idea to email the programs right before classes start to see if there is an open stop that wasn't filled from the waitlist. Would this look unprofessional? 


OR Should I forget it and focus on the upcoming cycle?




I would really appreciate any advice!

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Programs will absolutely fill any open spots: That's revenue for them, and even the "below the line" PA applicants are good to outstanding students with good to outstanding references.  That's why waitlists can be so long: there are plenty of candidates who schools would rather see in their programs than to leave a spot empty.  So no, don't bother calling them, they will call you.


Actually, you COULD call them after they start and see if they'll tell you how close you came to getting in, and see if they'll give you any other feedback.

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Yea if they want to fill it, they will.  I know there are stories about people being called days before a program starts but I also suspect that some programs have a cutoff date where they just call it a day.  I'm mildly convinced my program doesn't fill from the waitlist after a certain point because they require so much work ahead of time (background check, drug screen, etc) - if you don't pass it would be a terrible waste to move to a new place, start school, and find out 2 weeks later that, just kidding, you didn't pass our muster so, sorry you're out.  Either way, they will fill until they are done.  I've even heard of schools (I think this is a story floating around this forum?) about someone who applied in May for a new cycle and was called up by a school to fill a spot from the previous cycle last minute.  

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