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Rotation Advice for EM

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I am a current 2nd year PA student who will be graduating in December. I will be moving from New England to California after graduation, and my goal is to work in EM.


I have tailored my clinical year to boost my application when applying for EM positions. I have completed 2 EM rotations (urban trauma center, rural community hospital), and am scheduled for a trauma surgery rotation. I have also gotten as many of my mandatory rotations into EM settings as I could, including Pedi ED, Geri ED, Psych ED/consult service, Neuro ED/consult service/Neuro ICU. I am ACLS certified, am scheduled get PALS, ABLS, and ATLS before graduation (also completing ENLS currently online). I was also an EMT-B before PA school. 


I am looking for advice on what to do with my last elective rotation. I have a few options, and was looking for input from those working in EM on what they believe would be best.


Option 1. Anesthesiology - Available as a full 4 week rotation or split with IR. Would be great exposure to procedures that would otherwise be difficult to get experience in as a student, including intubations. Would also be less time commitment, which would give more time for PANCE studying as this rotation will be very close to graduation.


Option 2. EM at Large Urban Trauma Center - This would be at a very large metropolitan city ED that is part of a very well known teaching hospital. Would without a question be a great learning experience. However, with two previous EM rotations I am not sure this will add much to my resume. I know this shouldn't be a deciding factor, but just a consideration. This rotation would be a big time commitment.


Option 3. Orthopedic Surgery - This was my originally scheduled rotation until the first two options became available. I know could learn plenty that is applicable to EM. 


Sorry for the long post, just wanted to try to give the right amount of background. I really don't think there is a wrong decision among these options, so am interested you hear opinions. 

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Thank you both for the advice. It is greatly appreciated.


EMEDPA - It was your recent post about your anesthesia experience that prompted me to ask about the opportunity. At this point I think it will be the best choice for me.


Do either of you (or anyone else) have any other advice on how to make my application more appealing or job search advice? I have read through the "How to get a job in EM" threads, but was wondering if you have any other advice on top of that. Thank you again for your thoughts.

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Agree with the above. Option #1. you have completed ED rotations which does not necessary mean you ever managed an airway, much less a difficult airway. option 1 gives you valuable experience with airway management, and not just with intubations (which is important) but with basic airway interventions as well.

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