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Pts leaving AMA

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If someone disregards your medical advice (remaining hospitalized) and you've documented as such, how can you be held responsible for their stupidity?


I'll have this happen maybe 1-2 pts a month and always heavily document that a conversation was had explaining the necessity of their current treatment/hospitalization, and that poor outcome/death is a possibility should they decide to leave.

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If someone disregards your medical advice (remaining hospitalized) and you've documented as such, how can you be held responsible for their stupidity?


I'll have this happen maybe 1-2 pts a month and always heavily document that a conversation was had explaining the necessity of their current treatment/hospitalization, and that poor outcome/death is a possibility should they decide to leave.


I agree, just curious if there has ever been any issues.

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There can always be issues because people are people and lawyers are lawyers. Document document document. You can't stop someone from being a PIA but you can do everything possible to protect yourself. If it comes down to litigation 99% of what matters is what is written in the chart. I have done some litigation reviews for malpractice cases and the review of the documentation makes all the difference in the world as to how things proceed. 

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No I have not but it is possible and have heard of such a case but never heard the outcome. If you provided "incorrect" care during their stay I don't see why a lawyer still couldn't win in court honestly. If you provided good standard of care but they AMA anyway and you documented well including they are competent to leave AMA, verbalized understanding of risks of leaving AMA including death, etc etc, I think you are generally safe. Always document on any of these cases the above, that you tried to convince them to stay, they understand you EXPECT them to not do well leaving AMA (thus you can't just discharge them), they understand and are competent, etc. I also usually put the reason why they leave AMA (not happy to have dilaudid DC, wants to return to abusing drugs, has to go care for a child, whatever). I go above and beyond with documentation on these cases so that is my advice.

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