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Microsoft Surface Pro for clinic?

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I like what I read about the Ipad pro. The price (with all the bells and whistles) was a little off-putting. I just got a Dell 2 in 1 and I'm unimpressed. Admittedly it is a lower end one but it just hasn't been the easy to use combo I thought it was going to be.

If you are going to use Win 8 you almost have to have a touchscreen. Win 10 gives you better easier use of the mouse. I don't own a Surface Pro but I have used one and I like it. The problem I have had with touch screens is hitting the sometimes small boxes accurately with a stylus or my finger. I need a mouse and keyboard

Yea, the ipad pro is interesting, but I think the ipad software/OS is just too limiting for other applications.  Cerner has a decent App for the their idevices, but we need to access radiology from other websites and use Outlook -- which I am afraid an iPad will not do well with.  I like that the Surface Pro is basically a PC in tablet form.  I was also thinking about the XPS with touch, but I just wish you could fold the screen all the way back.  Tried other 2 in 1's, but the touch screen just doesn't work well.  The Surface seems to have better touch response/boxes, but small boxes are difficult to press with my finger.


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