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Question about interview invites

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Varies from school-to-school, but typically the most compelling candidates are invited first--that is, the ones the school suspects will be snatched up by other programs if a quick offer isn't forthcoming. Other candidates are invited to interview later, but aren't necessarily at a disadvantage.

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Some schools interview all those who meet their criteria. For example, if GPA requirement is 3.5 then everyone with 3.5 and above (plus other requirements of course) will be interviewed. 

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Some schools interview all those who meet their criteria. For example, if GPA requirement is 3.5 then everyone with 3.5 and above (plus other requirements of course) will be interviewed.


I must say that I didn't find that to be the case ... and I would be amazed if it were so in recent years. Given that most schools are receiving 20-30 applicants for every open seat they have, and a few schools reported that only ~10% of the applicants didn't meet the minimum reqs, there's just no way they could effectively interview that many applicants. The last few years the programs I considered (which were many!) were only interviewing 3-5 applicants for each seat in a cohort. I was extremely flexible in my pursuit for admission so I at least considered almost every program in existence the last two years. Couldn't apply to all that many of course, but I did research all that were masters level and used CASPA.

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