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Question regard adding classes to CASPA and interpretation

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If you take an online science course with lab for instance anatomy, however it is combined (class+lab) as 1 course on your transcript. How does CASPA or I should say the school you are applying to know that you took the anatomy class + lab if it only shows anatomy?

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No, not all schools award credit for the lab portion, even if its listed separately; other schools have 5 credits for a course which includes lab, etc. However, to answer your question, it is acceptable on CASPA to add "w/lab" to the title of your course if the lab isn't listed separately. You cannot, however, list the lab as a separate course unless it is listed that way on your transcript.

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IME, it's generally assumed that 4+ credits in a science course implies that it contained a lab.



This is taken from the CASPA FAQ(which you should check in the future):


A: If your TRANSCRIPT lists labs separately, then they must be listed separately on your application as well. Please record the lab as it appears on your transcript, with the title, prefix/number, amount of credits, and grade given. If your transcript combines lab/lecture courses into one class on a transcript, they should be reported as one entry on your application.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I kinda wanted to bump this up to see if anyone has faced a similar problem. I took A&P for three quarter terms, with lab. Each quarter was 4 credits each. My transcript doesn't so much as mention anatomy lab. All it says is "Anat & Physiol". I called CASPA again and they stressed that under no circumstance should I write "w/ lab", for if my writing doesn't match the transcript, they will hold my application and correct it. This leaves me with the fun task of contacting my school about communicating the laboratory component somewhere on my transcript, though I doubt I will have any luck. I have left messages at three departments, nevertheless.


At any rate, has anyone else faced a similar problem? How can I communicate my lab work to a prospective school?


PS - when it comes to quarter credits, 5 credits typically implies a lab, so I'm sorta screwed in that department too.

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