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5-6-11 PLEASE support - this is a big deal for us primary care PA's

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Hospice Bill Introduced in the Senate

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Contact Senators TODAY An exciting development: A bill has been introduced in the Senate to allow PAs to provide hospice services to Medicare beneficiaries. Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Kent Conrad (D-ND) introduced S. 891, the Medicare Hospice Care Access Act, on May 5, 2011. Please contact your Senators TODAY and ask them to cosponsor this important legislation.

Currently, PAs are barred from providing hospice care to beneficiaries, even though it is allowed by state law. The inability of PAs to provide hospice care for their terminally ill Medicare patients places an unconscionable burden on the patient to find alternative care and denies patients access to their "medical home" at a time when they are the most vulnerable.

Please contact your Senators and tell them of the critical need for PAs in hospice medicine. Ask them to cosponsor S. 891 today.


In 1997, the 105th Congress passed the Balanced Budget Act (BBA). The BBA made it clear that medical services provided by PAs, as allowed by state law, are covered by Medicare in all settings at one uniform rate.

Unfortunately, the former Health Care Financing Administration (now the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) decided that the BBA’s Medicare provisions regarding coverage of services provided by PAs did not apply to hospice care. As a result, PAs are not permitted to provide hospice care to beneficiaries who elect the hospice benefit. It makes no sense that Medicare beneficiaries who routinely receive full-spectrum medical care from a PA and who elect to receive the hospice benefit are not able to receive hospice care provided by their PA.

Allowing PAs to provide hospice care does not change the PA/physician relationship, nor does it increase cost (as PAs are reimbursed at 85% under Medicare). What it does do is increase patients' access to care, and improve continuity of care, especially in medically underserved areas.

Without this technical fix, beneficiaries will continue to face delays and denial of medically necessary care covered by Medicare. Please contact your legislators today and urge them to cosponsor S. 891.


Thank you for your advocacy in action!

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This particular issue was brought up to our Representatives when i went with my classmates to Capitol Hill for the AAPA Core conference in Feb. It's great to see that our voice is getting traction, as reflected by this hospice bill. Those that are reading this thread, please take a moment to contact your local representatives and ask them to support the bill. We need to work together and this is the time

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Done and done.


I'm actually working with a great rural doc right now who does Hospice. He's a huge advocate for PAs in palliative care, particularly rural Hospice.

If anyone needs any resources, feel free to PM me. I'm up to my ears in it right now!


Good stuff.

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Here is the response I received from Senator Vitter:



Thank you for contacting me in support of physician assistants providing hospice care to Medicare beneficiaries. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.


Hospice care provides quality medical treatment, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support adapted to a patient's needs. It plays a valuable role for individuals and families facing a life-limiting condition, and it is important that health care professionals are able to provide this care.


Like you, I believe seniors should have access to hospice services. Physician assistants play an increasingly vital role in providing quality, personalized care to patients, and they help ensure access to necessary health care. Rest assured that I will continue to support Medicare access to hospice care.


Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this important issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about other issues important to you.




Senator David Vitter

United States Senator

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Great job, hopefully more ppl will follow your footstep and reach out to the representatives

Here is the response I received from Senator Vitter:



Thank you for contacting me in support of physician assistants providing hospice care to Medicare beneficiaries. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.


Hospice care provides quality medical treatment, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support adapted to a patient's needs. It plays a valuable role for individuals and families facing a life-limiting condition, and it is important that health care professionals are able to provide this care.


Like you, I believe seniors should have access to hospice services. Physician assistants play an increasingly vital role in providing quality, personalized care to patients, and they help ensure access to necessary health care. Rest assured that I will continue to support Medicare access to hospice care.


Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this important issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about other issues important to you.




Senator David Vitter

United States Senator

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