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Poll: Please vote yes for out name change!

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Please vote yes for the name change to "physician associate". Visit http://www.panamechange.org/poll.html


There is something veeeeeery fishy about this poll. I know with confidence that no PA group, except maybe in the bowels of the AAPA, would you find a poll with those results (unless some anti-PA-ite posted it somewhere and told everyone one to vote negative.

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Hmm, I hardly ever post on this forum, and rather read it as education for my future. However, lately it seems as the closer I get to graduation the less bright the future seems. (Could be the accounting of all student loans coupled with multiple public bashing of PA's, like the Today Show segment.)


Of note, I did read all of the comments so far. The single positive comment was by Thomas Lubeck, DO. The post was originated by Lubeck, PA-S who is in Colorado. Possibly related?


At any rate, I do find it unusual that there are over 1000 "No" votes and it is just now hitting the forum. Thanks to Lubeck for at least bringing it up.

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I wouldn't be surprised if a good portion of those physicians who commented are actually pre-med. It seems this may be where the poll got a lot of attention from:



There is a paradox. I find the younger docs are usually the more respectful of PAs, however, the student docs are the worse. Is it something in Med school culture? I think it is this personal insecurity and new found arrogance as they adjust to the thoughts that they will soon be "DOCTORS."


I remember an SP saying something profound to me once. "Here you are not judged by the letters after your name but the quality of care you give." That's all we are asking for. Judge us by the quality of our work.


If this is truly a MD or Pre-MD voting, then it has no merit. They have no right to determine what we call ourselves.


For those newbies who seemed disheartened by this and other PA criticism (as you have expressed in this thread and others), I say to you please do not be discouraged. This struggle has been going on for almost 50 years now. Thirty years ago, when I first graduated, I was treated like crap in the state of Kentucky. There was legislation presented almost every year (by the Kentucky nursing association) to ban PAs as if we were an evil and dangerous movement. I approached over 150 physicians for a job and at best I was laughed at. I had to move to another state to find a job, six months after graduation.


However, the PA profession will thrive. Look at it from the eyes of M. L. King. See the "promised land" of how things can be and set your hearts and minds to make that world a reality. The new PAs should follow the example of the Egyptians people (a people dear to me as I lived in Cairo for a while). They overthrew an insulated and out of touch government. Hopefully they will replace it with a much better one (the verdict is still out). The AAPA needs reform and you guys can do it. Me need a voice that is more proactive.

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