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Interview Question

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Guest MedLib42

I would answer with my actual weaknesses (and I did). There are certain answers circulating that everyone thinks the interviewers want to hear - like the classic "strength as weakness" where the student says something like, perfectionism is my weakness, because sometimes I work too hard and get too focused on the details. ADCOMs are on the lookout for some of these classic answers, and usually the people that spit them out are rejected. 


Actually, what ADCOMs appreciate most is total, genuine honesty (and often something that's unique that they don't hear often). This question tests whether you are self aware enough to genuinely be in touch with your own weaknesses (and know how to work with them) or whether you're going to give a fabricated answer. Give them a real, honest assessment of what you truly think your own weaknesses are. I've heard some students admit to some weaknesses during interviews that might sound bad to you or me, but got accepted because they were honest. 


I still would advise against picking some of your worst weaknesses though. If I were you, I'd sit down, make a list of all of your strengths and weaknesses, and pick a weakness that doesn't sound like it will be an instant turnoff. Maybe something you still struggle with, but perhaps have learned how to overcome a bit in your daily life, so that you can say "I think one of my biggest weaknesses is XYZ because______, but I've learned to do _________ to help manage/overcome/compensate, etc. And maybe give a short example.

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I would (and did) answer honestly.  The interviewer is trying to get to know you, so let them know who you are.  For me my major weakness is procrastination.


You want a doozy, I was asked 2 questions that I was not expecting, and were way more of a challenge: What is the biggest mistake you ever made? And what is the weakest part of you application and why?

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You're probably going to face this specific question more than once over the course of your career. HR people love it for some reason :).


Like MedLib42 I'd advise against the "Oh, sometimes I'm too much of a perfectionist" type of answer. Sounds too premeditated and not really sincere.


Try and pick something you're aware of about yourself that isn't too bad, but also show the interviewer what you do/have done to overcome this weakness or work around it.

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