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MS in Emergency Preparedness?

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Hey all, I am currently a PA student and was interested at the possibility of pursuing a MS in Emergency Preparedness after graduation. I know this differs quite a bit from a MPH, which I know some PAs pursue, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience in this area? Would it be worth it for a PA to pursue this degree and how could it be used in conjunction with our medical training, if at all? The university I am attending for PA school actually offers this degree onsite or online. Anyway, I appreciate any advice and thanks in advance. 

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nova offers this degree.

it is more helpful if you have interests outside of work in disaster and international medicine. there is also an online MS in disaster relief healthcare through a English university : http://courses.southwales.ac.uk/courses/319-msc-disaster-healthcare

also philly U. has an ms in disaster management.

I considered all of these but already have an ms so decided to do a doctorate for the same money instead of getting a second ms.

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