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Yes, you can volunteer as an EMT if you have an EMT license in addition to your PA licensing.  I can count all my relevant PA CME as hours for NREMT recert, and I can count my EMT OTEP hours (as well as EMT instructor/evaluator hours) as Category 2 CME.


Mind you, I was an EMT before PA school, didn't let it lapse in the process, and am still an EMT instructor/evaluator and a volunteer fire officer.  Not going to go work BLS ambulance anytime soon, but I'm fully qualified to.

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  • Administrator

So if i am a PA without a emt license in NY would I be able to volunteer as an EMT??

No.  You need an EMT license or certification, depending on which your state uses, to work as an EMT.  The class SHOULD be a slam dunk, but you'll get a lot of hands on practice, if your state doesn't let you challenge the exam.

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creighton has a 1 week course for nurses or PAs to become an emt-basic, from there you can do an additional 2 weeks for paramedic if you work in em or critical care.



the site says "for nurses" but I have contacted them before and they have said PAs can take these courses as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can a PA volunteer as an EMT??



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Not unless you are trained and licensed as one. To practice as a paramedic, you have to have a paramedic license also. Its not just getting an EMT-B and then intubating and pushing drugs on people because you can do that in the ED as a PA. This is a good thing, by the way. 

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