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NP School Acceptance rates Vs PA School Acceptance rates

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I don't think this has ever been discussed or brought up in this forum as long as I have been on here and I was curious, what is the average acceptance rates for NP programs? I know PA school is low. I know for my cycle at my program it was something like 5%. And this is pretty consistent in other programs from what I can gather here and from colleagues.


 I searched on Google and didn't find a definitive answer. One school (UCSF), per a poster on allnurses, was 12%. I saw another site where ist was as high as 52%. 


Is NP school that much easier to get into than PA school?

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Guest Paula

I've heard it's easier and that is  anecdotal.  All you need is a BSN and can apply and get accepted almost anywhere.  I would think a low GPA or bad references would deter a school from accepting an NP student.  Also, I do not know how they are selected regarding interviews, etc.  NPs on this forum are sure to weigh in here and inform us of the reality of acceptance rates.

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there are also a lot more np programs than pa programs and many are direct entry and/or have large online components and/or can be done part time while working a full time job. I believe it varies a lot by program. some of the online programs like western, you meet criteria and apply and you get in. others , like UW and UCSF are fairly selective.

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I have long wondered if PA programs are unfairly biased against certain groups. I have never seen data for acceptance rates based on age, gender, racre, military/,hours hce.


The op raises the question relative to NP programs. I worked with an outstanding NP with 15 years experience and 10 years nursing. He was top producer in RVUs and took students almost continuously. He was rejected from NP school the first time. reapplied with more prestigious references.

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