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CASPA "other science"-MSHS courses

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Hello everyone,


I am currently working on my MS in Health Science (21 credits so far) but my course prefixes are listed as HLTH opposed to HSCI. or HLTS..would CASPA still count those as "other science" courses?


Has anyone gone through a similar experience?


My courses are:


HLTH 618 Intro to Public Health

HLTH 653 Responsible Conduct in Research

HLTH 639 Intro to Health Behavior and Health Promotion

HLTH 615 Community Health: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

HLTH 649 Program Evaluation


Thank you!

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Yeah I would agree. 

On CASPA, it says health science/public health course work will be counted as "other science".  Do you think any could safely be labeled as either?


I would think intro to public health, health behaviors, and maybe QnQ (even though its a math class kinda).  Also not sure how CASPA counts research course work. 


Thanks for your reply

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I listed most of my public health courses as "behavioral science" or "other science". The only "non science" courses for me were history of public health and health policy courses.

This seems most logical to me.  Public Health and Health Science are strongly rooted in behavioral science and general science.  How did you list your research course work?


Thanks for your reply. 

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This seems most logical to me.  Public Health and Health Science are strongly rooted in behavioral science and general science.  How did you list your research course work?


Thanks for your reply. 


I listed any research course work as "behavioral sciences"--and fyi, two of the research courses were theory-based courses. I listed my practicum experience and thesis as "other science"

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If I have courses that fall under CASPA's "other science" category are those also factored into your sGPA in addition to  the required prerequisites for each school? And is that the GPA that the schools will use? I have a bachelors in speech and hearing sciences so I'd like to know if any of those courses could improve my sGPA. 

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