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Masters in Biomedical Science before PA school?

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Hello everyone,


I am graduating this semester and want to improve my GPA for PA school. I recently applied to a Master's in Biomedical Science Program in order to improve my science GPA. My overall Gpa is 3.2 and my science GPA is 3.045. I earned a D in Genetics and Organic Chemstry. I repeated Organic Chem and got a B so it doesn't help my Gpa too much. Do you all think that the Masters degree is worth it? The only healthcare experience I have is 25 hours shadowing a DO in primary care. I really want to become a PA , but my grades just aren't there. I plan on volunteering at my local hospital this summer. Is it worth applying to PA schools or should I pursue other careers like nursing?

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Hey guy. I think your best bet is to retake those classes and find a good study pattern. When I first got out of highschool I was in a RN program and it was much harder then undergrad classes. Pharmacology makes organic look like a cakewalk! Lol don't think that going into a nursin program will raise your gpa, it will probably lower it.

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