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Take the GRE even though schools don't require it?

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I'm looking to apply to a handful of PA programs and my undergrad GPA is low but my post-bac GPA is good. However, I believe CASPA takes ALL grades. With that being said, would it be good idea to include a GRE score even though the schools I am applying to don't require it? Is this just nonsense from classmates filling my head?


Also, if does Exercise Physiology is a kinesiology course, does it count towards my science GPA? My advisor thinks it should count because it's physiology but does not know the for sure answer.


I am applying to Samuel Merritt, UC Davis, Touro, and possibly Stanford.


Thank you for your time.

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Schools that don't require the GRE likely don't consider it in their admissions process, even for applicants who have taken it. Your best bet would be to contact your schools and ask if they consider the GRE if an applicant has taken it, even though it is not required, just to be sure. Rather than take the GRE, it would probably be best to take further classes to improve your GPA even more (and these classes can be retakes for sciences that you may have gotten poor grades in). CASPA classifies Kinesiology classes as "Other science"

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