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Content of CV for supplemental application

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Hi everyone! One of my supplemental applications requires a CV- what categories should I list? My current CV includes: summary, education, work experience, laboratory experience, publications, and special skills.


I was thinking about outlining my PA school CV as follows: Objective, Summary/Clinical Competencies, Education, Certifications, Work Experience, Community Service, Shadowing Experience, Professional Associations, Publications.


What do you think? Is that too much? Is that the correct order? I don't have a ton of experience with CVs- I've only written them for clinical reserach positions.


Thanks! Kris

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Thanks for the link. I have writted a CV in the past- so how to write a CV is not really my question. Though the link helpful.


It's just that PA schools are looking for something different than a normal employer is. This isn't a CV for a job- its a CV for admittance into a program. I guess what my big question is should I just write it like a normal CV or tailor it to PA school? Some programs specifically ask to include all patient contact experiences (even those volunteer) which wouldn't be represented on a normal CV.

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The Indiana University PA Program does not require a CV. However, I think the answer to your question depends on the institution. If the institution requires separate documentation of patient care/interaction experience, then including it in long form on a CV is superfluous. If not, and there is no other place to put it (and if the program does not use the "Experiences" area on CASPA), then you might list these experiences in a supplement to the CV. Generally the areas you have outlined are acceptable. You might tailor the CV based on whether the program emphasizes research, service, or both.


Best wishes to you.


Josh Morrison

Indiana University Physician Assistant Program

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Hello Josh,


Thank you for your response! I will definitely tailor the CV to the program- that's a great idea! Most of what is going on my CV is already on my CASPA but I guess it doesn't hurt to repeat it as long as I do so in a concise manner.


Thanks again! - Kris

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