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Pediatric vaccines schedule

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My point was, new grads often wind up making things harder than they need to be, because they expect ridiculous things of themselves. Are there people who have the schedules memorized, and are able to rattle off the required shots at a two-year visit, for a child who missed the 3-month shots and was sick when the second varicella was supposed to be done?


Sure there are -- and you might well become one of them, if you end up putting in enough hours working with the same information over and over, in slightly different situations. But it takes time, and most people don't think that way. Being exposed to information once, or even a handful of times, doesn't guarantee retention. That's not how learning works in adults (and actually not in all that many kids, really). You need to use information for it to be solidly ingrained. In the meantime, it's faster and more reliable to just look stuff up.


Know how to use your tools. That's what makes someone a professional, or an expert. Not how much trivia they have memorized.

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