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New Grad Family Practice

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I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on an offer I received for a Family Practice office in Los Angeles. I would be covering the same day appointments as well as some of the current patient's physicals.


This is for a full time position - guaranteed 32 hours a week to increase to 40 hours a week

Hourly salary of $42

Health insurance waived for an additional $3/hr

Total $45/hr


No paid holidays

No paid vacation

No retirement

CME coverage is currently being negotiated - they have only hired NPs in the past, and didn't originally realize this was part of standard PA contracts

Malpractice with tail

Will cover DEA licensure

Opportunity to renegotiate hourly rate in 3-4 mo. given reimbursement numbers


At this point I feel like I need to come back with a counter. This is lower than expected, as I worked as an independent contractor at $47/hr for this group for a couple of weeks to see if the position would be a good fit.


What should my next step be? Am still applying for other jobs. No signed contract yet. Expected to start next month.

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I am also a new grad negotiating a contract in family practice, but in SW Pennsylvania. My cost of living is almost certainly lower, so I don't know what to say about your hourly wage. (Mine ends up being in about the mid-20s, which I am not happy with.)

-- No paid holidays or vacation is NUTS. Totally unacceptable. (I am being offered 1 week [including personal time] that is "liberal" -- would love to hear if I should ask for a hard two weeks or not look a liberal gift horse in the mouth...)

-- I am asking for 3% 401K match, 25% vested after year one, 50% after year two, etc.

-- In addition to paying for your DEA license, they should reimburse you for your state license, x-amount for CME time, x-number of days for conferences (mine thinks conferences are vacations...)

-- Renegotiating so soon is nice!

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  • Administrator

As a new grad in family practice, my salary is a bit below your "waived", but I get 40 hours per week, 4 weeks vacation, 6 days/$2K CME, 8 holidays, malpractice with tail, 12 sick days/year, all licensing and PANRE fees paid AFTER start date (read: I paid $1k or so out of my pocket for initial licensing), and another small stipend for memberships and subscriptions. Oh, and whole family health care coverage, STD, LTC, AD&D, term life, and all the other normal bennies appropriate to a corporate position.

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  • Administrator
Ah. Keyword "corporate".

Yep. I aimed for a situation where I had relevant prior experience. I used to work for the top company worldwide in my prior field, now I work for the top healthcare conglomerate in my region. As far as my supervisors are telling me, so far I'm living up to their expectations for a new grad PA with my background.

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Renegotiated, new contract:


Total $45/hr, 40hr/wk guaranteed


2 wks paid holidays/yr - to commence after have been employed for at least 4 months

Paid vacation time (12 days/yr)

Paid sick/personal leave of 5 days/yr


No retirement (will make my own contributions)

CME coverage - don't know amount yet

Malpractice with tail

Will cover professional fees and licenses

Opportunity to renegotiate hourly rate in 6 mo. given reimbursement numbers


I am happy and relieved.

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