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Hello, I am new to this forum and would love to get involved.


I'm sure that this topic has been thoroughly beat to absolute death, but for the sake of argument and for my own curiosity, I'd love to get some fresh opinions. I have read about as much literature on Physician Assistant vs. Physician and have been seriously questioning which is right for me as of late. ALthough I believe I exhibit a great deal of the qualities that would make a successful PA (love of medicine, teamwork, not needing to be 100% in charge) I believe that some of these also transfer over to being a physician. Though it may sometimes seem like it from outside, all of the physicians and PAs are essentially working together as a cohesive unit and building off of each other for the greater good of the patient.


Now that I've gone off on that rant, for anyone who is still with me, I would like to know. What made you decide PA vs doctor?

Originally my reasons were most concisely summarized as follows:

- I would like to have a family and start my life before the age of 30 (though this is not a huge issue since I am a male and would not have to worry about a maternity leave and the like [sorry ladies])

- I care less about the title and more about medicine and helping patients

- I would not mind working under a physician (as far as I know)

- I could live comfortable working as a PA


Recently, I have been sincerely considering and leaning more towards pursuing and MD or a DO. I feel that if I really do feel the way I do about medicine, why not take the extra time and really make it worth the time?


I know this was kind of all over the place, but so is my mind at this time of weighing options. So I would love to hear any kind of feedback or opinions from anyone who has a legitimate opinion to state!

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You need to decide if you will be comfortable with incomplete knowledge of pathophysiology and disease mechanisms or if you require the nitty-gritty details that define MD/DO education.

Sounds like title, prestige etc. aren't enough to sway you.

I've done both (M2 now) and ultimately I decided I needed the extra knowledge to do everything I wanted to do for my patients. Also, I wanted independence. As much as I would like to see true autonomy for PAs, I remain circumspect whether this will happen, and I didn't want to wait out the rest of my career on frustration.

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