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How big of a deal is the GRE?

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I have yet to take it. I have been studying 2 hours a day for the past two months then 4-7 hours weekends or when I had a day off. Yet, I still seem to be not grasping these concepts. I hate math. I always have and always will, not too bright on vocab and hate tests that last for more than 2 hours. I took a few practice tests and my grades are horrendous, not even getting half correctly. I am going to take it, I have to since it was $175 and I have also decided to accept my score because it will show up as me canceling it anyway when they review the scores (if I decide to take it again). My question is how big of a deal is the GRE? Those who know me know my stats aren't great (working on it though) including volunteer work, etc. But what if I bomb it? I feel like this is probably as much as I will be able to study for the next year and I have no confidence.

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If you're lacking in other areas, a great GRE score can improve your application. But a bad GRE score can speak volumes as well. A mediocre or average GRE score just won't brighten your app.


If it makes you feel any better, I was freaking out about the GRE too. I work full time as a pharm tech and am a full time student (back to school to take some prereqs) and was having a rough time trying to study. I checked out a Kaplan book from the library, studied sparsely for about 3 weeks, and dove right into the test. I'm 22, been out of school for 2 years, and was overwhelmed by the studying. I felt out of practice. I thought I did terribly, but I got 160/159/5.0. Would I have liked to do better? Definitely. But you CAN get an adequate score with minimal studying. Whether or not "adequate" is okay depends on how strong the rest of your app is.


Confidence certainly helps but unfortunately if you've got to take it, you've gotta take it. Might as well get it over with.

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