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Internships and Volunteer Questions

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Hello, my name is Cindy and I am currently a sophomore in college. I am currently looking for internships and came across this one internship at a  hospital that dealt with food and nutrition. The description for the internship is as followed: 

"Our Food and Nutrition team utilizes volunteers in a variety of areas throughout the hospital. Volunteers may assist on our Amenities Unit and pantry, partnering with staff in daily set up and preparations. Through setting up food trays and kitchen inventory preparation, volunteers will strive to make the patient experience a positive one". 

Now I know that most graduate schools want you to have a certain amount of internship/volunteer/clinical experience and shadowing etc but I cant figure out if this internship would satisfy that? Since it doesn't say direct patient contact does that mean it wouldn't satisfy the requirements? Or since it is health related, it would technically count?

I am also NOT a nutrition major but wanted to try something new since having a wide array of different internships look good on your application. Is this a bad idea?

Thank you xd I am extremely lost when it comes to figuring out if the internships would count when applying to PA schools. 

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On 1/17/2021 at 4:11 PM, Janie55 said:

The description sounds like you’ll be working with staff and not patients in a volunteering capacity. This wouldn’t satisfy any PCE/HCE, but would be considered volunteering-which programs value.

see... so would positions stating that there will be patient interactions a better fit to satisfy PCE/HCE requirements? Also is getting both PCE/HCE and volunteering hours recommended?

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23 minutes ago, kinomikan said:

see... so would positions stating that there will be patient interactions a better fit to satisfy PCE/HCE requirements? Also is getting both PCE/HCE and volunteering hours recommended?

You definitely want both PCE/HCE and volunteering hours. You'll want a lot more PCE/HCE but you still want volunteering hours. 

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