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Dermatology reimbursement

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12 hours ago, Hiimsole said:

Hey guys if you’re in derm for a few years. I’ve had months where I feel like I’m doing a lot of procedures but reimbursement comes back not as high as I thought. Anyone experience this too?

anyone know how fast reimbursements usually are from insurances?


It can be a bit, but most things that don't get appealed seem to come back in 90 days or less, often far less, where I am.  If your contract specifies compensation based on collections, you should have the right to inspect YOUR collections and see what's going on.  Do you?

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9 hours ago, rev ronin said:

It can be a bit, but most things that don't get appealed seem to come back in 90 days or less, often far less, where I am.  If your contract specifies compensation based on collections, you should have the right to inspect YOUR collections and see what's going on.  Do you?

I get a collections for shaves , freezes, office visits. I then get to see how many of the procedures ive done and then the compensation for that month.

but they're not always accurate  because reimbursement seems to come 1-2 months after so it seems. but for instance i had an amazing july compsenation but my number of procedures were way lower than my numbers in august, september so im just wondering if you ever run into this?


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