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needed supplies

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It will vary by program. Be aware that if you "jump the gun" you may end up buying things twice. For example, I needed to buy a Cardiology III even though I already had a Master Cardiology. Having multiple high-quality stethoscopes is not the end of the world, of course.


They really made you purchase another stethoscope? That is ridiculous!

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my school got us all the equipment we need.... stethoscope.. otoscope... opthalmoscope...panoptic opthalmoscope.. the tuning forks.. etc etc... from welch allen.. cost was added in our first semesters tuition bill. So you might want to wait on the list bc you might not have to purchase any med equipment on your own, or if u do it might have to be a certain brand... (or you can just ask some current student about what you'll need to get)

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Ok, here is my advice if your program doesn't have specific requirements. Buy a nice stethoscope (Littmann Cardiology III etc.) and get the cheapest equipment you can in everything else. The only thing you will probably use after school is the Stethoscope you buy, other than that any practice or hospital you work at is going to have everything else. The only exception i can see to this is if you plan on going on mission trips a lot, then having all your own decent equipment would come in handy i would imagine.

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