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4 hours ago, eventuallypac said:
How many schools is too many to apply to?

Most applicants I've met were selective, having picked a subset of all the schools out there that might be close by, or in places they would like to live, or have some aspect that make them particularly desirable to the applicant. Usually their lists turn out to be more than one program and less than a dozen, though I've seen people only apply to only one school or way more than 12.

From a practical standpoint, your list might grow until it includes:

  • too many to afford all of the application fees
  • too many to visit -- or afford to visit -- even if invited
  • too many to do justice to in completing supplemental applications.
  • schools you know nothing about
  • schools you would not really want to attend, even if accepted
  • schools for whom you don’t meet the requirements.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Edited by UGoLong
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If you apply to 5 and don't get into any, applying to 25 probably won't make a difference. Apply to a few "safe bets" and a few "reach/top choice schools" and you should get at least one acceptance. As above, don't apply to anywhere you wouldn't go if it was the only place you were accepted. Back in the day, I applied to 2 programs. 

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