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Thoughts on taking pre-reqs

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So I am currently a sociology major going into my second year in undergrad. I was thinking about just taking 1 science course each semester and possible in the summer. This way I can spread out my overall science load and give more attention in each class. Do you think that this is a good way to approach this or should I be taking a "heavier science course load" in certain semesters?  I'm not necessarily the strongest student in sciences yet, and I'm afraid of jeopardizing my sGPA. 

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So I am currently a sociology major going into my second year in undergrad. I was thinking about just taking 1 science course each semester and possible in the summer. This way I can spread out my overall science load and give more attention in each class. Do you think that this is a good way to approach this or should I be taking a "heavier science course load" in certain semesters?  I'm not necessarily the strongest student in sciences yet, and I'm afraid of jeopardizing my sGPA. 

I would start off the way you’re planning to and then revisit the plan after you are well underway.

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Definitely start out slow and see what you can handle. If you are just breezing by, then you can tack on an additional science course or two for the next semester. Remember that in your undergraduate you are also learning how to study and about your learning style, and that does take time and experience. It is better to stay with easier course loads in the beginning until you've learned how you study best. Then maybe gradually increase up to where you're comfortable. There is also always the option of taking 1 course during the summer or winter semesters. 

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