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 I am currently in my undergrad, and was supposed to be taking Bio 1 and Chem 2 this Summer. With the current pandemic my state has made all universities online for the Summer 2020 semester, transitioning the courses I was supposed to be taking to online. After talking to a Pre-PA advisor from my university, she has advised that I hold off taking these classes since PA schools do not look favorably at online science courses. Unfortunately, if I don’t take Chem 2 this Summer semester it will push off being able to apply to my major causing an extra year of school for me. I understand that PA schools do not look favorably upon online sciences, but even with the current pandemic could this be a problem?

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You'll have to check with each individual school regarding online labs. During these times, a lot of schools are accepting online labs. I would check with each school you want to apply to. For me, every school I am planning to apply to accepts online labs or doesn't require them at all. UNE and Doane university are good alternatives if you want to get it done quick, it's just a little pricey. I'm planning on taking some in a few weeks to get ahead.

Good luck!

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