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CareNow experience

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Hey Yall!

I am getting burnt out like crazy at my current job. (Currently waiting for my 82nd physical of the day to be roomed as I am on the occupational side today. usually see 20-24 patients a day when I am on the family medicine side which is most of the time. around 60 lab reviews per day. 10-15 telephone encounters. random paperwork. yall know the drill) 

I am looking at a position at a CareNow that is ONE STREET over from where I live.  This would cut my hour commute down to 5 minutes and I do not mind 12 hours shifts. I have no kids and am young (26). However, I have heard horror stories about the treatment of PA's.

Does anyone have any first hand experience with this company? or at least had a friend who worked there etc.? any info would be appreciated!

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Terrible Terrible TERRIBLE place to work.  I have known at least half a dozen providers both docs and AP's who have worked for them.  Not just, "it wasn't great", but...."oh dear god that was worst job I have ever had including my first job at McDonalds"....

Just passing on what I have been told.  And fyi, don't  ever expect to leave on time.  The CN near me closes at 9:00pm and many times I have been told that the providers don't leave until 1:00 a.m.  My front office girl worked there and said it was not uncommon to have 30 patients in the lobby waiting to be seen still at closing and you must see...every...single...one of them.  Good luck.

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I interviewed with them several years ago. My first turn off was my interviewer was the head nurse. Then I was asked to review a policy that, basically, said "you will not make a decision without a physician blessing it. You will not interpret an x-ray without a physician reviewing it. You will not go home until the physician says it is OK." Then they wouldn't continue the interview process because I wouldn't tell them what I was currently making.

That is a bit of an exaggeration for the sake of emphasis but it isn't off by much. If you are comfortable in that kind of role they may be a good fit. After working without a co-located physician for more than 20 years it smelled bad to me.

Edited by sas5814
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33 minutes ago, sas5814 said:

I interviewed with them several years ago. My first turn off was my interviewer was the head nurse. Then I was asked to review a policy that, basically, said "you will not make a decision without a physician blessing it. You will not interpret an x-ray without a physician reviewing it. You will not go home until the physician says it is OK." Then they wouldn't continue the interview process because I wouldn't tell them what I was currently making.

That is a bit of an exaggeration for the sake of emphasis but it isn't off by much. If you are comfortable in that kind of role they may be a good fit. After working without a co-located physician for more than 20 years it smelled bad to me.

Did she show you her phone app that tracked ALL of the carenow providers patients seen per hour in real time?  Oh yes...

After showing it to me she said, "hmm, I'm going to have to call PA so and so because she is not meeting her quota per hour today"...

She then finished by saying that if you are at a center that is not quite as busy as another, they can yank you mid shift and make you drive across town to a busier center.  This is written in your contract......

and lastly, they had the worst non-compete clause I have ever seen.  It was like 20 miles from any CareNow facility.  Just horrendous.

and yep, I interviewed there as well a few years ago.



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